Lo these many months, Momma has been TOO BUSY to blog for us, so we had to resort to desperate measures....
Reggie's Pouty Face
Dallas' Silent Treatment
And a Double Dose of the Stink Eye
We JUST HAD to get our blog on and tout de suite because we had to introduce the newest member of our Pug Corral. (Announcer, please.....)
Peyton Annie Manning...our very own cheerleader!
Now, she looks all dainty and prissy in that Colts cheer dress, but don't let that fool you. She's a brickhouse. (She's mighty mighty!) Peyton can tussle with the best of them and has a whole 7# more muscle on us! Oy!
Peyton is a Bug (Pug/Boston Terrior mix) (Daddy calls her his mini Pit Bull) who was rescued by the angels of KPR-Kentuckiana Pug Rescue. http://www.kentuckianapugs.com/ We are very happy to have her as part of our team!
Momma has promised us now that all the chaos in her life has somewhat subsided, she will be more consistent with our blogging efforts.
We'll be watching her! Along with our pool boy mafia friends, Jacques and Raul. :)
Touchdowns and Tubby Rubs to All!
Dallas Clark, Reggie Wayne, and Peyton Annie Manning